Why Do Most Internet Millionaires Lie

“You can start making money in the next 15 minute Click Here to find out”.    Such was the ad that attracted me when I was searching for “a legitimate way of making money on the internet” on my favorite search engine, Google some years ago.  I was really captivated and attracted by such ad that promised to show me how to start making thousands of dollars in the next 15 using my personal computer and the internet. It had always being my dream to make a living with my personal computer and the internet but over the years, I have not being able to figure out how to do so properly.  But this ad on google promised to teach me in the next 15 minutes.  With the speed of light, I click on this add and was taken to the sales page where I was brain washed - that my life will change the moment I join their program. It was really interesting to know that I could start making money in the next 15 minutes.

Obviously, I would not have allowed the next 5 minutes to elapse without joining the program considering the financial crisis facing me then. At that moment, the only barrier holding me from joining the program was just getting a credit card.  Then I had no credit card but after reading the sales letter from the so called “internet business millionaire, I taught will be taking to the promise land by joining the program and without delay, I made arrangement for a credit card.

I taught that by virtue of the ad being listed on Google, that the program will be teaching me the real and legitimate way of making money on the internet but the reverse was the case as the program ended up making me poorer by taking away my hard earned $99.00. I considered it very wise to pay $99.00 for a program that promise to teach me how to start making money in as little time as 15 minutes.  But the platitude of such program  was beyond my wildest imagination when I finally made a payment with my credit card.

To cut the story short, to  the best of my knowledge, I never figured out how to make money 1 year after joining such program.  Then it was apparent to me that this internet millionaire makes money by just selling his membership program.  I was not rather deterred by such disappointment or rather breach of promise.  I was bent on finding out the true way of making money on the internet legitimately. Internet 419 was the order of the day in my country but my conscience never accepted that by virtue of my religious faith and my family background.  So there is no way I will ever involve myself in scam in the name of making money on the internet.

For now, I still have conscience and there is no way any human with conscience will ever take out something that does not belong to him or her in any way by any means,  To me, it is nothing less than stealing.   So that set aside.  My journey into the world of making money on the internet continued.  It was just like cracking a strong cryptographic code on where money is hidden on the internet.  So I took it as a challenge to crack that cryptographic code on where money is hidden on the internet.  I read many books on how to make money on the internet; I joined much money making program all to help me make money on the internet.  I did pay to read email and was never paid a dime even when my money accumulated to 10 times the minimum payout.  It just turned out to be scam and just wasted my precious time.  I did forex trading and ended up becoming poorer .  What else will I do to make money on the internet?  Such was the question I was asking myself.  I nearly spent my school fees in the medical school just to pay for internet connection and purchase fuel for my generator in my adventure into making money on the internet.  I did everything I can and still nothing worked out.

6 Years later
So 6 years later after series of trial and errors, research, experiments and many consultations of books on internet business, I was able cracked this heinous code on where money is hidden on the internet. To me, it was just like finding the cure for the deadly Human Immune Virus.
So now I asked myself a question?
Why would these so claim internet millionaire tell us lie?  The answer is clear, there want to cut there own share of the ebook sale and secondly they do not know how to make money online.  On the other hand it might be that some of these internet millionaires do not know how to communicate via writing.  So I may not blame this category of the internet millionaires.

Well it was just all these that inspired me to write a book that will reveal to any body who desires, the truth about making real fortune on the internet.

Victor Ezeaku is the  author of the Best Selling book on Internet Business Guide. An idiot Guide to Making Money on the Internet.  Make sure you read the life changing book on Internet Business  today. Read More about Small Business Start up tips

About the Author:

Victor is a website designer and a writer. Visit his website www.vickywebworld.net

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Why Do Most Internet Millionaires Lie

internet business, internet business guide