Find Alternate Employment for a Brighter Future

With times the way they are financially, employment and indeed unemployment is on everyone's mind.

Recent statistics show frightening figures that unemployment rose by 244,000 in the Three months to March 2009 and by 592,000 over the year to reach a total of 2.2m in the UK alone!

If you are reading this then you may be one of the statistics. Finding new employment can be tough. It is a crossroads in our lives and one that is not always pleasant.

Here are a few ideas and avenues to help you get started in finding your new employment and be back on track in no time.

I have included positive and negative point for each one to help you choose the best method for you.

Employment Agencies - Go for a specialist who operates in your chosen field, this way they will have the best contacts and roles available. Finding reliable agents can be difficult though they are out there, it takes a trial and error approach.

Newspaper adds - Companies will be hiring directly through these which means no recruiting fees for them and more attention for you as an applicant. Not always the fastest option and massive numbers in competition

Recruitment websites - Lots of opportunities and often the same opportunities as what you will find through agencies and or news paper adds. Hard to get a response back once CV is sent through.

Pounding the pavement - Gets you in front of your target in person though is a slow and ineffective way to generate the amount of attention you want to your CV.

Searching for a Home Based business - A very effective way to earn good money in a short amount of time. Finding the right one can be tough as you will require support and training. Takes a lot of dedication and hard work, but it is in the comfort of your own home. You will have the highest earning potential with this option.

So I hope this has helped you and provided a few options to get you on your way. I know it is a tough road though you will get there in the end, keep searching for that light and the end of the tunnel and it will eventually get brighter!

For more information or assistance on this topic, or to see how I got out of the employment rut, contact me at

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About the Author:

Dane Crossie is a recruiter that decided to venture into online Marketing. He joined the elite group of online Marketers at Carbon Copy Pro and is now a successful entrepreneur, working from home and helping 100's of people do exactly what he did. Go to

Article Source: - Find Alternate Employment for a Brighter Future

Network Marketing, Make Money Online, Internet Marketing, Work From Home, Home Based Business, Online Marketing, Make More Money, Redundant, Carboncopypro, Carbon Copy Pro