Making Money with Resale Rights

No product…not a problem!

In this information age, many people start making money online by selling information. It doesn’t even matter who wrote the content. In most circumstances they have bought the resale or reprint rights of the product and in doing so are able to make sales and keep either a percentage or all of the profits. Some people have even gone one better and bought the master license for a product. In all of these cases, not only do you save time by not writing your own content, you also benefit from the author’s good reputation.

Some examples of informative products include eBooks, email courses and articles. Ebooks can be easily found online and cover an extremely large topic range from weight loss to online businesses. It would be extremely unlikely for you not to find your preferred topic in eBook format. Email courses are courses that you email to people each day over a set time period. Your audience does not download these courses. However, do not be deterred by that as automating emails will make the job much more manageable. The other option is the purchasing of articles which you can then place on your own website or article directories.

Once you have found the product you will promote, you will need to buy either the resale rights, reprint rights or master rights. How much money you could potentially make would depend on both the demand for the product and which of the above you choose to buy. If you buy the resale rights, you can resale the product but you do not own it. For each sale you make, you collect only a percentage of the profits. Buying the reprint rights is more expensive because the amount of copies you can reprint is unrestricted and you keep all of your profits. The best option, as well as the dearest, is to buy the master rights. The master rights are basically a combination of resale and reprint rights. The draw card is that not only can you sell reprints but you can also sell the reprint rights. This means that you have the potential to make double the money.

The rights you choose to buy will depend on how much money you plan to make, as well as how much money you can spend in the initial stages of your money making business. Obviously, anyone with a lower budget would need to begin with resale rights and build their way up the ladder. Either way, you will be creating a potentially lucrative business. For money making programs visit

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resell rights, resale rights, make money resale rights, start making money online