My experience of making money from google

Hi all this is Sonali and i liked this website which is a free article directory , so much that i thought of writing about my self and my experience and effort of making money on internet

I am a pharmacist and i thought of making money from some system which will ensure me good pay and there will be no bossing, so i searched on google and i came across google adsence.

Now google adsence has changed my life , i am making good money ,

initially i was just writing my website but there were no visitors , so i struggled to get some visitors , as more the visitors to your website more will be your earning so i came to know about search engine optimisation

I spent days and nights with spending lots of money in cyber cafee with no return , but i had decided that i will be earning my pay cheque from my own business on internet .

So i learned SEO now i am earning descent income ,

i have developed about 20 websites which has got lot of traffic and it is 100% free from google organic traffic.

What i did to achieve that , i sticked to the topics which i best know and kept on writing on that topics,

I am a pharmacist and i know better on pharmaceuticals, and research in pharmaceuticals and medicines , so i have written good articles on AIDS symptoms i have written articles onPharmaceuticals cgmp guidelines

this website has information which is must required to know for pharmacists and they like this website very much also it is very useful

Also i am helping my friend who is a website designer and has published good articles on Mumbai city , he has great skill of developments Mumbai is the passion for peoples who come from outside of Mumbai and this guy has expressed his love about Mumbai city in his website you can learn lot of things from this so have a look at Mumbai

this field of Internet marketing is a vast field and will be growing greatly so what every efforts some one will take today he will definitely get return in future .

This is my effort to spend my life in good way , i have a dream which i will definitely fulfill to become rich from my online advertising business , and i know i will become successful one day , so read my articles when ever you get a opportunity to read them as i am writing live about my day today experience of making money on internet

About the Author:

I am pharmacist from mumbai

and i am wrting about my experience of making money on internet

Article Source: - My experience of making money from google

Mumbai Adsence Money