9 Pitfalls To Avoid In Your Christian Business Opportunity

The statistics are staggering when it comes to those who fail and succeed in a Christian business opportunity. An overwhelming amount of businesses fail within the first 2 years. The percentage is over 50%. The question comes to mind if the percentages are so high is there anyway that somone can avoid failure.

To your delight there are common pitfalls that one can avoid to ensure your success. Some will agree while others will disagree. The 9 pitfalls that will be discussed has nothing to do with outside circumstances or the economy. If peopel can take an honest assement of themselves most of the failures are due to internal issues.

Let's begin to uncover them.

Pitfall # 1
Having a lack of a well defined purpose is a 100% guarantee of failure. The old saying goes that a man that aims at nothing will hit it 100% of the time. This is really simple to understand. If you decide to take a road trip you map out where you want to go, the roads you want to take, the time frame it should take, and so on. It is the same in business. You have to know why you are in business.

Another example is when you go in restaurants. If you pay close attention when you walk in the door, most places will have a plaque or picture on the wall. On the plaque it will state the mission or purpose of the existence of that very restaurant. The owner knows that if he doesn't have a defined purpose how can he serve the masses well and expect to stay in business.

Pitfall # 2
Lack of self discipline. When it comes to you being successful in your Christian home based business do not think that this is a walk in the park.Self discipline comes through self mastery. Mastering our selves is the hardest thing to do in life. I

If you notice all the great athletes, wealth tycoons, businessmen, and notable figures in life, they all showed a high level of overall self discipline. If achieving wealth and greatness in life were easy, everyone would have obtained it.

Pitfall # 3
Lack of a well defined power of decision. Napoleon Hill stated "Men who succeed reach decisions promptly, and change them, if at all, very slowly. Men who fail reach decisions, if at all very slowly, and change them frequently and quickly." As a Christian home based business owner you have to be very wise in your decision making.

Don't let over caution cause you to be immovable and not taking action. To many people use this an excuse as to why things are not going great in their business. Making great decisions comes with great responsibility. Our decisions should not be motivated by fear or greed.

The next article will uncover 3 other areas that you can focus on overcoming so that you can be successful in your Christian business opportunity.

About the Author:

Adrian Hines is a successful Christian home based business coach. He specializes in teaching biblical principles and marketing strategies on how to run a successful Christian home based business. Since his time is limited he only is able to work with 10 new individuals per month and lead them to financial freedom.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 9 Pitfalls To Avoid In Your Christian Business Opportunity

Christian Home Based Business, Christian Business Opportunities, Christian Business Opportunity, Christian Home Based Business Opportunity