Keeping Your Chin Up When Talking To Your Family And Friends About Your Home Based Business

When most people start a home based business, they are eager to talk to their friends, family, co-workers and pretty much everyone about their new venture. However, after a few failed attempts to make money from home people become less and less likely to share their new business with the people they care about the most.

For many people it’s almost a sense of shame or embarrassment that comes over them when they get ready to talk to loved ones about what they are doing on the side to make money.

“I told you that thing wasn’t going to work out”, “Why don’t you just get a REAL job?” and “What kind of a thing are you trying to get me into this time” are common phrases that entrepreneurs hear all too often when they talk to their friends and family and that’s why so many people are so reluctant to do so.

The first thing you have to understand is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with working from home, trying to build your own business or building a better lifestyle for you and your family.

That might seem like an obvious statement but you would be surprised at the number of people who are in home based businesses and never, EVER talk to their friends and family about it.

It’s like they are secret agents and if anyone should ever find out what they are doing it would be over for them. To be truly successful working from home, you have to be proud of your business and when you’re proud of your business, you will have no trouble speaking to the people in your life.

So what approach works best? Most people have different opinions on how to present a business to your friends or family, but it pretty much just comes down to this. BE DIRECT AND SINCERE.

Think of it this way. If you got a new job, a job that could potentially pay you 6 or even 7 figures a year, you wouldn’t be embarrassed to tell the people you love would you? No way! You would be excited and ready to tell as many people as possible.

Well guess what? When you started your own home based business that is exactly what you’ve done. You’ve entered into a business opportunity that could change your life forever, both financially and by giving you the time freedom to live your life the way you choose! So come right out with it, be excited and be honest. When you are excited and speak with authority, other people will get excited for you.

If you make it seem like you’re doing something to be ashamed of people will feed off of your negative energy. Don’t give them that chance!

The final thing to know when you’re talking to your friends and family is, that some people, no matter how amazing the company is, are just plain going to have something negative to say about it. That’s just the way it is.

You can’t let other people’s negativity drag you down and keep you from reaching your dreams. Some people won’t believe you until you show them your success so go out there and prove them wrong!

Talking to your family and friends about your new home based business can be a very hard thing to do. But, by speaking to them directly and honestly and not letting their negative comments get you down, you will be well on your way!

About the Author:

L.R. Hand is a Professional Internet Marketer who has been in the Home-Based Business Industry for over 9 years and has helped many people find the Time Freedom and Financial Freedom that they deserved.L.R. is also proficient in both old school and new school techniques. What this allows him to do is BRING the BEST of the BEST in Leadership, Mentoring and Personal Development to those who seek to better themselves in life and business.

Article Source: - Keeping Your Chin Up When Talking To Your Family And Friends About Your Home Based Business

Network Marketing, Work At Home, Work From Home, Home Based Business, Network Marketing Success, Stay At Home Mom, Creating Wealth, Prosperous Home Based Business, Legitimate Home Based Opportunity, Small Business Ideas To Make Money, Stay At Home Busines