Separate the Scams from the legitimate Home Based Businesses

Nowadays the Internet is full of all kinds of Scams, trying to get you to part with your money for a quick rich scheme! Everyone is searching for a legitimate work at home business opportunity and it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Most of the Work at Home Scams imprison the ambition and imagination of gullible people who are trying to make a genuine income from home.

These business ideas can range from envelope-stuffing, craft assembly, chain letter e-mails to data entry jobs and business opportunities.

It is really sad that the people who are most venerable in our society and the ones that are being targeted. Stay at Home Moms, Retirees, Students and even the Disabled people. People who are keen to make money quickly are the victims. There is no such thing, earning money takes time, commitment and dedication. If it didn't everybody would be rich!

So if you are looking at these options, here's what they entail:

1. Envelope Stuffing:

The Scammers promise you a pound for folding newsletters or brochures and sealing in an envelope. It appears simple and attractive that you are determined and you are happy to pay a fee to join up! You will then discover that there is no such company to do business with, just useless advice on how you can make money by envelope stuffing.

2. Craft Assembly:

This tricks you to buying into and investing a start up fee of a few hundred pounds to buy raw materials, promising to buy back the assembled products. Again to your utter dismay you will find out that payment for your products are not forthcoming. The excuse being that your products are sub-standard.

3. Chain Letter e-mails:

This tells you that you can make several hundred thousand pounds by sending an e-mail along with a specified amount of money by mail to the top names in a list after adding your name at the bottom of the list. Your name is supposed to move up the list thus enabling you to receive money from new members. The trick here is to manipulate the names of the scammers to be at the top and fraudulently make money. Joining this can land you in serious trouble.

4. Data Entry Jobs:

Here the scammers falsely promise you data entry jobs through which you can earn money working from home and without any need for traveling to an office. In order to get these data entry opportunities, you need to register online on the scammers website and pay registration fees, and only after you register you can get started. Once you realize that it is a scam, you will naturally want your money back. Unfortunately you will not get a refund in spite of their "money back guarantee".

5. Business Opportunities:

The advertiser offers the business opportunity to the gullible opportunity seeker to make huge sums of money for doing almost nothing. There is no need for selling, or promoting the product. They promise to look after everything. Most of these scammers do not have any address. They will provide only a phone number. There will be no one there to answer your call except a message requesting you to leave your message, name and phone number.


There is no way to make money quickly; you need to look into setting up a business that is legitimate. So research them, read and watch the success stories, read the failure stories. Look out for people bad mouthing one company and then promoting their own. Oldest trick in the book! Always read the advertisements carefully. Avoid, too good to be true ads! If you do all of this then you will have probably saved yourself from "work at home scams" and will continue to maintain your enthusiasm to start a legitimate home business.

I managed to avoid all the scams and found a business that was right for me and now I run a successful Home based online marketing business, I'm part of a very successful team where I get lots of support and training and now we need more leaders! Proof is in the pudding.

If you want more advice or ideas please visit My website - Click Here

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About the Author:

Meet Clare Evitts - an ex-recruiter, spanning across the financial, construction and digital Media sector.Now an online marketing entrepreneur, enjoying the success and challenges that having your own business brings.Working with Carbon Copy Pro to create Carbon Copy Answers.

Article Source: - Separate the Scams from the legitimate Home Based Businesses

Network Marketing, Make Money Online, Internet Marketing, Work From Home, Home Based Business, Online Marketing, Scam, Carboncopypro, Carbon Copy Pro