Best Article Submission Tool I Had Pleasure To Use

It has been approximately one month since I have acquired the ArticleSubmitAuto-Dominic Tay's Automatic Article Submission Tool. I think enough time has passed for me to do a quick recap of the results I've got with it.

Let's review, shall we?

I have written about 20-25 articles which I have picked especially to target specific keywords in order to rank high in the search engines (after all, it is the real motive behind writing a good quality article).

To my own amazement, I have ranked on the first page every single time! Maybe it is because I did my keyword research right, but at the same time, I really couldn't do all the submission myself. I mean seriously, how could I possibly manage to submit 2-4 articles to more than 25 High PR Article directories in less than 5 minutes a day on my own? I wouldn't even bother!

Amazingly though, it turns out that article marketing can be one of the most effective SEO methods you can be using in order to rank higher and generate High PR Backlinks back to your site.

ArticleSubmitAuto has really been treating me well. I never had technical issues with it, nor did I encounter any issues with the websites I was submitting to. Dominic (the creator of this Article Submission Tool) has made sure to set strict guidelines within the ArticleSubmitAuto's system in order to prevent any issues with the article directories.

The bottom line here is this:

ArticleSubmitAuto is an amazing Article Submission Tool and whoever is even THINKING about launching an Article Marketing campaign simply HAS TO get it.

I had pleasure or should I say dissapointment to use plenty of different article submission tools and therefore I really understand what kind of a software would be idea to a serious article marketer. You actually do spend less than 5 minutes per article when submitting content via the ArticleSubmitAuto. If you do not take my word for it, just head over to YouTube and search for videos actually showing the results people have got with this software.

About the Author:

Igor IgorHelpsYouSucceed Kheifets

skype: igor.kheifets

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Article Source: - Best Article Submission Tool I Had Pleasure To Use

article submission script, article submission tool, article submit auto, article submitter software, articlesubmitauto