11 Easy Techniques To Get Free Traffic

In this world you only have two types of assets: Money and Time. The easiest way to drive traffic to your site is to buy it. But if you are an Internet marketing beginner you probably don't have much money to invest in traffic building. In that case, you will need to invest your time.

The following traffic techniques are time consuming, but they are 100% free and will get you a fair amount of targeted traffic. If your site is properly optimized for monetization, you will soon be earning enough money to invest in buying traffic, and save your precious time to build new money making websites.

So here are 11 surefire free traffic techniques:

This tip is so obvious it will not even be counted, but it is often overlooked: submit your site to the major search engines and to as many other search engines as you can.

1. Use this proven Bum Marketing technique, write 5 to 10 articles and submit them to the free article directories. Of course you must include a link to your site in the article itself or in your bio box. The articles should be optimized for a keyword your site is targeting.

2. Find blogs related to your topic and leave useful comments with a backlink to your site. And answer questions related to your site's topic. Off course put a link to your site in each of your answers. Another thing you should consider is joining the most popular forums that deal with your site's topic and becoming an active poster. Include a link to your site in your signature.

3. This one can be very powerful. Write a press release about your site and submit it to .If you are not familiar with press releases, take some time to do a little research: a press release is not written like an article.

4. If you are happy with a product or service you have used, write an unbiased testimonial and trade it for a backlink to your site.

5. Link them to your site and submit them to the hundreds of free blog directories. This will get you plenty of quality traffic as long as you keep your blogs updated.

6. Try posting ads with a link to your site on all the free classified ad sites you can find. The best ones will allow you to post a live link. But don't neglect the other ones. If your ad is well written, people will go out of their way and type your url in their browser. Off course you must post in the appropriate category.

7. An easy way to get extra free traffic is to add a link to your site in your email signature.

8. Any other high page rank social bookmarking site you can find. In the same way, create a few lenses and link them to your site.

9... You don't really need any video producing know-how as a simple PowerPoint slideshow with some background music will do the job perfectly.

10. Search your main keywords on Google and see if you can exchange reciprocal links with related websites that come up in the top results.

11. You could write an ebook or a short report (say 10 to 20 pages), or find a product with giveaway rights that you can brand with a link to your site. Then submit it to all the free ebook directories you can find online.

This last tip is not free, but is worth the extra buck. Check out the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your competitors. If you find a good available domain, grab it and redirect the traffic to your site.

Now all this looks like a full time job! These techniques work, but you don't have to use them all at once. Just pick the one you feel the best with and act now. Invest 30 minutes to an hour daily in building your free traffic. Then step to your next favorite technique and within a few weeks you should be earning enough money to afford to buy traffic and concentrate your time and efforts on building your online business.

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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 11 Easy Techniques To Get Free Traffic

11 Easy Techniques To Get Free Traffic